Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Shopping - the mini series!

What a wonderful surprise  - this Saturday morning I awoke to news that my little soap samples aka the mini series have been featured on Audrey's Country Crafts blog

 Audrey is amazing, hugely supportive of Canadian handmade talent (of which she is definitely a part..)

Check out her blog for the low down on all things crafty and her own fabulous handmade & handpainted creations at her shop - Audrey's Country Crafts :-)

This recycled distressed denim jeans tote of Audrey's is one of my favourites -  perfect for Saturday morning shopping - love it!


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning my site! Your blog looks great!! You should join "Friday Follow" - it will get quite a bit of traffic to your blog!

  2. What can i say? thank you once again Audrey, you're awesome! :-)
